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Rs. 85,00,000
- Us Dollar $: 30,313.84
- Pound £: 23,802.86
- Euro €: 27,836.91
- UAE Dirham: 111,111.11
650 Square Feet
World trade centre Islamabad strategically and ideally located at Defence housing Authority Phase II. Facing Main G.T Road and just 10 minutes from Islamabad international airport. This iconic development will play role in Pakistans corporate sector and will add significant value to the economic growth. Some other feature in this buildings are as follow covered car parking of 4000 vehicles Hyperstar Cineplex Food court Centrally Air conditioned. And many more. For further Queries feel free to contact us.
property detail
- Price Eighty Five lakhs Rupees
- TypeCommercial
- PurposeSale
- ListBuilding
- LocationDHA Defence Phase 2
- CityIslamabad
- Beds 0
- Baths 0
- Garages 0
- Floors 0
- Total Visitor61017
- Added 6 years ago
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