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Rs. 40,00,000
- Us Dollar $: 14,265.34
- Pound £: 11,201.34
- Euro €: 13,099.72
- UAE Dirham: 52,287.58
22 Kanal
120987 Square Feets
13443 Square yards
11240 Square Meters
444 Marla
Proper warehouse setup in tarnol for multinational company storage factory 1 lac sq.ft 30 feet height motorized shatter 30 container parking space 10 offices multiple entrance weight station security guards rooms full secured barbwire suitable for storage mill cargo can be split into two potion 75 thousand sq.ft 25000 sq.ft motorized shatter 30 container parking space 10 offices multiple entrance weight station security guards rooms
property detail
- Price Forty lakhs Rupees
- TypeCommercial
- PurposeRent
- ListWarehouse
- LocationI 9
- CityIslamabad
- Beds 0
- Baths 0
- Garages 0
- Floors 0
- Total Visitor62920
- Added 6 years ago
Weather report
- Latitude33.7104
- Longitude73.1338
- Temperature17.69
- MainClouds
- Description67
- Clouds67
- Wind Speed3.46
- Wind Deg21
- Pressure1013
- Sunrise06:19:34
- Sunset18:13:59
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