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Rs. 4,00,000
- Us Dollar $: 1,426.53
- Pound £: 1,120.13
- Euro €: 1,309.97
- UAE Dirham: 5,228.76
4,000 Square Feet
hoose the best property option for you, with your required price tag of Rs 400,000. The property offered on rent has covered all the things you are looking for. Explore all the property you could ask for in Faisalabad. The Kohinoor City based property has arrived just for you. This 4000 Square Feet Shop matches your requirements. Of course, if you're looking for Shop, you're in the right place! Ask us more using the provided contact information. 03451110500
property detail
- Price Four lakh Rupees
- TypeCommercial
- PurposeRent
- ListShop
- LocationKohinoor city
- CityFaisalabad
- Beds 0
- Baths 0
- Garages 0
- Floors 0
- Total Visitor60208
- Added 4 years ago
Weather report
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