Old Property
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Rs. 10,00,000
- Us Dollar $: 3,566.33
- Pound £: 2,800.34
- Euro €: 3,274.93
- UAE Dirham: 13,071.90
5,600 Square Feet
Working with a 1% reality broker is just like working with another top real estate agent in Connecticut charging the standard 6% in fees. The only difference is that with our flat fee real estate model, the seller walks away from the sale with an additional 5% in their pocket.
property detail
- Price Ten lakhs Rupees
- TypeResidential
- PurposeSale
- ListHouse
- Location1681 N. Military Trail West Palm Beach FL 33409
- CityBhakkar
- Beds 0
- Baths 0
- Garages 0
- Floors 0
- Total Visitor60002
- Added 3 years ago
Weather report
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