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Rs. 38,80,000
- Us Dollar $: 13,837.38
- Pound £: 10,865.30
- Euro €: 12,706.73
- UAE Dirham: 50,718.95
25 Kanal
136125 Square Feets
15125 Square yards
12646 Square Meters
500 Marla
Property Overview This farm house with beautiful six bedrooms and six baths, open terrace with fantastic miles of valley views and of Islamabad. The biggest advantage is its 400 feet front on Main Murree Highway. Could be useful for a number of different uses including potential for fruit orchard farming because it already has apples, apricots, plums orchards in addition to forest of healthy pine trees. Own spring water. Love horses? Build a stable on your land. The farm house offers nice mountain living. This property is located 40 minutes drive from Islamabad. This is the real estate where you can actually 'feel' and 'touch' absolute peace. Contact us for more details.
property detail
- Price Thirty Eight lakhs Eighty thousands Rupees
- TypeResidential
- PurposeSale
- ListHouse
- LocationCompany Bagh
- CityMurree
- Beds 0
- Baths 0
- Garages 0
- Floors 0
- Total Visitor62125
- Added 6 years ago
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