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Rs. 1,12,00,000
- Us Dollar $: 39,942.94
- Pound £: 31,363.76
- Euro €: 36,679.22
- UAE Dirham: 146,405.23
1,900 Square Feet
3 bed DD luxury apartment alpine tower brand new apartment 4the floor no water problem no load shedding problem lift and carparking avairable ready to move contact buildtech associates 03312469319 03323283990 03163695390
property detail
- Price One Crore Twelve Lakh Rupees
- TypeResidential
- PurposeSale
- ListFlat
- LocationGulistan e Jauhar
- CityKarachi
- Beds 0
- Baths 0
- Garages 0
- Floors 0
- Total Visitor60128
- Added 4 years ago
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