Old Property
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Rs. 32,00,000
- Us Dollar $: 11,412.27
- Pound £: 8,961.08
- Euro €: 10,479.78
- UAE Dirham: 41,830.07
3 Marla
816 Square Feets
90 Square yards
75 Square Meters
0.15 Kanal
If you want to live in an environment which is absolutely secured and peaceful then it is the right time and the right place to invest your money. Grab this auspicious opportunity to execute your dreams into reality. Please feel free to call us if you need further details. We request that only serious individuals contact us to make an immediate deal
property detail
- Price Thirty Two lakhs Rupees
- TypeResidential
- PurposeSale
- ListHouse
- LocationEden value homes
- CityLahore
- Beds 0
- Baths 0
- Garages 0
- Floors 0
- Total Visitor64698
- Added 6 years ago
Weather report
- Latitude31.5497
- Longitude74.3436
- Temperature21.99
- MainSmoke
- Description7
- Clouds7
- Wind Speed0
- Wind Deg0
- Pressure1015
- Sunrise06:07:56
- Sunset18:12:57
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