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Rs. 65,00,000
- Us Dollar $: 23,181.17
- Pound £: 18,202.18
- Euro €: 21,287.05
- UAE Dirham: 84,967.32
10 Marla
2722 Square Feets
302 Square yards
252 Square Meters
0.50 Kanal
UPN Offers Best Investment Opportunities: Payment Plan: -Price: 65 Lakh. -Down Payment: 10 Lakh. -Quarterly Installment: 5.50 Lakh. -Duration: 2.5 Year Plan. Prospects: - Located on main Raiwind Road near Adda Plot round about - All utilities available - Own power generation back up plant (No load shedding) - Underground wiring/utilities - Populated area with thousands of families living in - Mosque, Parks, Cinema, Beautiful Golf Course - Due to Ring Road Development in coming year 15 min approach from Airport & DHA - Low Risk, high potential - Suggested both for short and long term investment
property detail
- Price Sixty Five lakhs Rupees
- TypeResidential
- PurposeSale
- ListPlot
- LocationLake city
- CityLahore
- Beds 0
- Baths 0
- Garages 0
- Floors 0
- Total Visitor62325
- Added 6 years ago
Weather report
- Latitude31.5497
- Longitude74.3436
- Temperature16.99
- MainSmoke
- Description59
- Clouds59
- Wind Speed0
- Wind Deg0
- Pressure1014
- Sunrise06:09:12
- Sunset18:12:17
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