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Rs. 2,50,00,000
- Us Dollar $: 89,158.35
- Pound £: 70,008.40
- Euro €: 81,873.26
- UAE Dirham: 326,797.39
160 Marla
43560 Square Feets
4840 Square yards
4046 Square Meters
8.00 Kanal
Our company is proud to present yet another top of the line property in the shape of Commercial Land across 1 Acre with 200 Ft Front for sale at an eye catching price of Rs, 2,75,00,000. This Land is Located at prime location of Canal-Expressway In Faisalabad. All features point towards a fruitful opportunity which is sure to be beneficial for interested buyers in both long and short term Investment. Best for: * Cattle Farm * Farm House * Dairy Farm etc. Call for Further Information: Faisalabad Realtor's 03218216060 03451110500
property detail
- Price Two Crore Fifty Lakh Rupees
- TypeCommercial
- PurposeSale
- ListWarehouse
- LocationCanal Expressway
- CityFaisalabad
- Beds 0
- Baths 0
- Garages 0
- Floors 0
- Total Visitor61759
- Added 4 years ago
Weather report
- Latitude31.4167
- Longitude73.0833
- Temperature21.86
- MainClouds
- Description53
- Clouds53
- Wind Speed4.77
- Wind Deg23
- Pressure1011
- Sunrise06:19:17
- Sunset18:14:40