Old Property

  • Plot for sale
  • Plot for sale
  • Plot for sale
  • Plot for sale
  • Plot for sale
  • Plot for sale
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Rs. 12,50,000

  • Us Dollar $: 4,308.26
  • Pound £: 3,415.86
  • Euro €: 3,934.65
  • UAE Dirham: 15,820.78

5 Marla

  • 1361 Square Feets
    151 Square yards
    126 Square Meters
    0.25 Kanal


A project of malik riaz family behria town city. Good price and better investment plan 5 marla . call or whatsapp anytime

property detail

  • Price Twelve lakhs Fifty thousands Rupees
  • TypeResidential
  • PurposeSale
  • ListPlot
  • LocationCiti Housing Scheme
  • CityJhelum
  • Beds 0
  • Baths 0
  • Garages 0
  • Floors 0
  • Total Visitor52735
  • Added 3 years ago

Weather report

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abhe Grill



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