Old Property

  • 70000 Sq Ft Covered Warehouse For Big Storage Nearby Motorway Sargodha Road Faisalabad
  • 70000 Sq Ft Covered Warehouse For Big Storage Nearby Motorway Sargodha Road Faisalabad
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Rs. 16,80,000

  • Us Dollar $: 5,991.44
  • Pound £: 4,704.56
  • Euro €: 5,501.88
  • UAE Dirham: 21,960.78

70,000 Square Feet


70000 sqft Covered warehouse for big storage Nearby Motorway Sargodha Road faisalabad Detail Of Locality: One of well-known place of Faisalabad . Area's approach is really easy and located at maintained road. Main Sargodha Road by pass Faisalabad . Load shedding ratio is much lower than other areas because it is totally Industrial Area. Specification: * Total Covered area: 70,000 sq ft * Roof Height: 25-30 Ft * Vast Parking * Dock can be possible (No Issue) * Electricity * Water Supply * Office, Staff Rooms, Mosque, Washrooms * Security * No Issues Of Container Movement * Security camera system * Long Agreement Facility Reasonable Rent Demand: 24 Rs Per sq ft Call For Better Guidance 03218216060 03451110500

property detail

  • Price Sixteen lakhs Eighty thousands Rupees
  • TypeCommercial
  • PurposeRent
  • ListWarehouse
  • LocationSargodha road Faisalabad
  • CityFaisalabad
  • Beds 0
  • Baths 0
  • Garages 0
  • Floors 0
  • Total Visitor54510
  • Added 3 years ago

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