The President confronts CDA for failing to give the washerwoman her quarters (Housing)

In the Islamabad meeting, President Dr. Arif Alvi brought up the discriminatory actions of the CDA against a female employee who wasn't allowed a residential space.
As was typical in the past, the CDA claims that it only gives adult male "dhobis" or washers-quarters. The President additionally urged the CDA to implement Wafaqi Mohtasib's instructions and resolve the complainant's issues.
The complainant said that the CDA had granted the quarter to the other employee even though he was higher on the seniority list than the other worker.
The CDA said that because quarters were always granted to working adult male dhobis, never a single female washerwoman had ever received one.
He emphasized that Pakistan cannot progress if its female residents experience this kind of prejudice.
Here is the other news from the capital development authority (CDA) for Pakistanis that want to know the latest news, and information.
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