PAKeProperty and Google Maps Integration… Pioneers Always Step Ahead…

PAKeProperty and Google Maps Integration… Pioneers Always Step Ahead…

Google the name itself explains its demand and usage throughout the world. We cannot ignore the importance of this browser which heads every laptop, desktop and mobile phone. Google does not restrict itself to one direction, but it has spread itself in multifaceted fields. Google Maps is one of the advanced and unique software which can give you the insight of any place on earth that you need to know. They do give panoramic views of many famous places and it welcomes people to contribute to the name of places, businesses and even the pictures can be shared for any particular place.

PAKeProperty has integrated with this maximus organization Google to provide the complete knowledge of locations in term of real estate requirements.  Under the tab of ‘Search on Maps’, you can find four subtabs where four different features attract you to find, hunt, shortlist and search any property on Map. The features are as under;

  1. Draw on Maps.

In this unique feature, you can draw a boundary and search desired residential, commercial and agriculture property or land by using draw on map tools according to the area. Navigate the map by using a touchpad or mouse over simply click on draw on the map icon. Search property or area by drawing lines on the horizontal and vertical axis for a selected area. After the selection of specific area, all of the properties would become highlighted and you can see the properties that are available for sale and rent. The complete details are given under each property that would allow you to contact the dealers and owners directly. This is a simple and easy to access procedure which is just amazing and make PAKeProperty outshine due to the ease it has provided to the customers. 


  1. Show on Map:

This tab has many filtering keywords to shortlist your required property whether it’s a house, flat, plot, or warehouse etc. By clicking the required property you will get to know the required type of property on maps with just on one click. PAKeProperty tries to provide you with the best and maximum number of listings for a better and maximum number of related properties. We take our customers personally and give them suggestions on any property to take a better decision just according to their requirements and budget. Show on Map feature tends to read between the lines and give you better property suggestions.


  1. Search on Map:

You can search any property or area by filling the keyword sections and by clicking the search button you will get all of the shortlisted properties that lie in your required parameters. You can search the properties with the help of certain area choice, price range, city choice, type of property i.e. plot, flat, house etc., number of beds and bathrooms. This elaborated and detailed keyword search brings maximum choices which lie under your property interest. PAKeProperty assures you the exact locations and authentic listings in just a click.


  1. Societies on Map:

On PAKeProperty the amazing feature which facilitates you at its fullest by showing the complete Pakistan Map where cities can be searched and under every city heading you can further find out the societies which are developed, underdevelopment and in progress societies. The complete city plan and Map can also be seen under each city. This tab of PAKeProeprty is having extreme details and having all of the major cities and towns where you can find their respective societies. We can guide you any time for any society and suggestions related to your choice.



Search on Map Tab is much more comprehensive and detailed where you can find each property through different perspectives. You can scroll and crawl on all of the cities’ societies and places to get complete knowledge about properties in Pakistan. We are not restricted to houses and apartments but we also deal in business sale and purchase, buildings offices and agricultural lands deals. Hope you will find this Map integration useful for your property search.


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